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書 名:Principles of corporate finance
作 者:BrealeyRichard A
輔助作者:MyersStewart C
版 本:6th ed., International ed
出 版 項:Boston:Irwin/McGraw-Hill, c2000
稽 核 項:xxvi, 1093 p.:ill. (some col.);26 cm
叢 書 項:The Irwin/McGraw-Hill series in finance, insurance, and real estate
ISBN:0072352361 (((bk. bound with CD-ROM) )
ISBN:0071179011((pbk. : international ed.) ):NTD3100
ISBN:0072909994((student ed.) )
ISBN:0072346612 (((CD-ROM) )
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references and index
標 題 項:Corporations--Finance

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 principles of corporate finance
作者 brealeyrichard a myersstewart c
出版項 irwin/mcgraw-hill
叢書項 the irwin/mcgraw-hill series in finance, insurance, and real estate
標題項 corporationsfinance
分類號 658.15
杜威分類法 658.15
ISBN 0072352361 (0071179010072909990072346612 (

Principles of corporate finance/Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers.--6th ed., International ed .--Boston:Irwin/McGraw-Hill, c2000
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新竹高工圖書館/(未記錄) A052852 658.15/ 在館中


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