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書 名:Petition movement for the establishment of a Taiwanese parliament centenary exhibition /
作 者:Assembly Affairs Museum of the Legislative Yuan
版 本:1st ed
出 版 項:Taichung : Assembly Affair Museum of the Legislative Yuan, c2022
稽 核 項:xv, 111 p. :ill., maps, form ; 22 cm
叢 書 項:A Century of Pursuit of Democracy ;
I S B N:9786267269015(新台幣150 )
附 註 項:Includes appendices
附 註 項:Author number taken from "Legislative Yuan"

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 Petition movement for the establishment of a Taiwanese parliament centenary exhibition / Includes appendices Author number taken from "Legislative Yuan"
作者 edited by assemblyaffairs museum of the legislative yuan
出版項 assembly affair museum of the legislative yuan,
ISBN 9786267269015

Petition movement for the establishment of a Taiwanese parliament centenary exhibition / edited by AssemblyAffairs Museum of the Legislative Yuan.--1st ed .--Taichung : Assembly Affair Museum of the Legislative Yuan, c2022
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新竹高工圖書館/(未記錄) A068033 573.65/0370 在館中

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