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書 名:Agatha Christie /
合著作者:Bloom, Harold.
出 版 項:Philadelphia :Chelsea House Publishers,2002.
稽 核 項:vii, 181 p. ;25 cm.
叢 書 項:Modern critical views
I S B N:0791059219
附 註 項:Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-170) and index.
標 題 項:Christie, Agatha,1890-1976--Criticism and interpretation.
標 題 項:Detective and mystery stories, English--History and criticism.
標 題 項:Women and literature--History--20th century. --England
國會分類:PR6005.H66Z553 2002

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 agatha christie /includes bibliographical references (p. 169-170) and index.
作者 edited and with an introduction by harold bloom.christie, agatha,1890-1976bloom, harold.
出版項 chelsea house publishers,
叢書項 modern critical views
標題項 criticism and interpretation.detective and mystery stories, englishhistory and criticism.women and literatureenglandhistory20th century.
杜威分類法 pr6005.h66
ISBN 0791059219

Agatha Christie /edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom..--Philadelphia :Chelsea House Publishers,2002. .--Modern critical views
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況


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