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書 名:Sherlock Holmes:the complete novels and stories .2
作 者:竇爾(Doyle, Conan)SirArthur
輔助作者:EstlemanLoren D
版 本:Bantam Classic reissue ed
出 版 項:New York:Bantam Dell, 2003
稽 核 項:xviii,737 p.;18 cm
叢 書 項:Bantam Classic
ISBN:9780553212426(pbk. : v. 2):NT243
ISBN:0553212427(pbk. : v. 2):NT243
其他題名:Container title: theComplete Sherlock Holmes : all 4novels and 56 short stories

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 sherlock holmesthe complete novels and storiescontainer title: thecomplete sherlock holmes : all 4novels and 56 short stories
作者 竇爾(doyle, conan)estlemanloren d
出版項 bantam dell
叢書項 bantam classic
分類號 823.8
ISBN 9780553212426055321242

Sherlock Holmes .the complete novels and stories .2/Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ;with an introduction byLoren Estleman.--Bantam Classic reissue ed.--New York.--Bantam Dell.--2003
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新竹高工圖書館/(未記錄) A064168 823.8/3010 在館中

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