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共 1 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 A Christmas carol/Charles Dickens ; simplified by D.K. Swan and Michael West ; illustrated by Giles Waring.--Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex, England:Longman, 1987
第 2 筆 A Christmas Carol/Charles Dickens ;adaptation and activities by Terry Tomscha and Peggy Albers.--International Edition.--Boston:McGraw Hill, 2006
第 3 筆 Oliver Twist/Charles Dickens ;adaptation and activities by Kiaran O'Malley.--International Edition.--Boston:McGraw Hill, 2006
第 4 筆 David Copperfield/Charles Dickens.--1st ed..--England:Pearson Education Limited, c1999
第 5 筆 A christmas carol/Charles Dickens.--1st ed..--England:Pearson Education Limited, c2000
第 6 筆 Great expectations/Charles Dickens.--1st ed..--Oxford.--Oxford University press.--c1992
第 7 筆 Oliver Twist/Charles Dickens.--1st ed..--Oxford.--Oxford University press.--c1992
第 8 筆 David Copperfield/Charles Dickens.--1st ed..--Oxford.--Oxford University press.--c1994
第 9 筆 A tale of two cities/Charles Dickens.--1st ed..--Oxford.--Oxford University press.--c1994
第 10 筆 A christmas carol/Charles Dickens.--1st ed..--Taipei, Taiwan.--Caves Books.--c2005
第 11 筆 Great Expectations/Charles Dickens ;Retold by Clare West.--England:Oxford University Press, 2000:敦煌經銷
第 12 筆 David Copperfield/Charles Dickens ;Retold by Clare West.--England:Oxford University Press, 2000:敦煌經銷
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