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出版社:bookman books

共 1 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 Folktales from Taiwan .an English reader/by Jessie Huang.--Taipei.--Bookman Books.--2006
第 2 筆 The Heinemann English grammar .英文文法與練習 .an intermediate reference and practice book/Digby Beaumont,Colin Granger 合著 ;進度測驗 : Digby Beaumont, KenSingleton 撰寫翻譯 : 洪少保.--Oxford;Taipei.--Heinemann Publishers:Bookman Books 總經銷.--1997, 1997
第 3 筆 Improving vocabulary skills/Sherrie L. Nist and Carole Mohr.--3rd ed .--Taipei:Bookman Books, 2004
第 4 筆 Advancing vocabulary skills/Sherrie L. Nist, Carole Mohr .--3rd ed .--Taipei:Bookman Books, 2004
第 5 筆 Building vocabulary skills/Sherrie L. Nist and Carole Mohr.--3rd ed .--Taipei:Bookman Books, 2003
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