WebOPAC 線上公用目錄查詢 (國立新竹高工圖書館)
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共 3 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 Recycling a Can/Cynthia MacGregor.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2002
第 2 筆 A time line of the American revolution/Lynn George.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2003
第 3 筆 Solid, Liquid, Gas:What is matter?/Erica Smith.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2002
第 4 筆 Life in the rain forest/William K. Gibbons.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2001
第 5 筆 Dennis tito:first space tourist/Joanne Randolph.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2003
第 6 筆 Where does rain come from?/David E. Kegley.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2001
第 7 筆 Making art/Erica Smith.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2002
第 8 筆 Animals of the tropical rain forest/Joanne Mattern.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2002
第 9 筆 Life in the desert/Kerri O'Donnell.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2001
第 10 筆 What is the U.S. constitution?/Joanne Randolph.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2001
第 11 筆 Reading a map/Greg Roza.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2002
第 12 筆 How to stay safe at home and on-line/Ira Wood.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2001
第 13 筆 Life in the arctic/Sarah Sheffield.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2002
第 14 筆 How to be healthy/Cynthia MacGregor.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2002
第 15 筆 Kangaroos in the land down under/Shelby Braidich.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2003
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