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共 1 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 The little prince/Antoine de Saint-Exupery .--Taipei:Bookman, 2009
第 2 筆 The Frog Prince, or, Iron Henry /by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm ; illustrated by Binette Schroeder ; translated byNaomi Lewis..--New York :North-South,c1998.
第 3 筆 World folktales :an anthology of multicultural folk literature /Anita Stern.--Lincolnwood, Ill. :National Textbook Co.,c1994
第 4 筆 Folktales from Taiwan .an English reader/by Jessie Huang.--Taipei.--Bookman Books.--2006
第 5 筆 Everything's eventual:14 dark tales/Stephen King.--New York:Pocket Books, c2003
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