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出版社:random house

共 4 頁 / 第 1 頁
第 1 筆 Why we remember .unlocking memory's power to hold on to what matters/Charan Ranganath,PhD.--First edition.--New York.--Random House Large Print
第 2 筆 Some people need killing .a memoir of murder in mycountry/Patricia Evangelista.--First edition.--New York.--Random House.--2023
第 3 筆 Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief/Rick Riordan.--Revised paperback edition.--New York,NY:Penguin Random House, 2007
第 4 筆 Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth/Rick Riordan.--Revised paperback edition.--New York,NY:Penguin Random House, 2007
第 5 筆 Percy Jackson and The Titan's Curse/Rick Riordan.--Revised paperback edition.--New York,NY:Penguin Random House, 2007
第 6 筆 Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian/Rick Riordan.--Revised paperback edition.--New York,NY:Penguin Random House, 2007
第 7 筆 Percy Jackson and The Sea of Monsters/Rick Riordan.--Revised paperback edition.--New York,NY:Penguin Random House, 2007
第 8 筆 The Midnight Library/Matt Haig.--1st ed..--New York.--Viking,an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.--2020
第 9 筆 My Policeman/Bethan Roberts.--New York,NY.--Penguin Books,an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.--2022
第 10 筆 The tortoise and the harewritten by Aesop.--Novato, CA :A Random House/Broderbund Company,1993.
第 11 筆 Hair in funny places/Babette Cole .--LONDON:Random House Children's Books, c1999
第 12 筆 The cat in the hat/by Dr.Seuss.--50th anniversary ed.--New York:Random House, 2007
第 13 筆 Magic tree house .Books 37-40/Mary Pope Osborne.--New York:Random House, c2008
第 14 筆 Webster's American thesaurus/edited by Random House Reference.--1st ed..--New York:Random House Reference, 2000[民89]
第 15 筆 Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business/by Barbara Park ;illustrated by Denise Brunkus.--New York:Random House, c1993
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