第 1 筆 |
The lord of the rings/by J.R.R. Tolkien .--London:HarperCollins Publishers, 1974 |
第 2 筆 |
The Mona Mousa code/text by Geronimo Stilton ; .--New York:Scholastic, 2000 |
第 3 筆 |
藝術百科全書:佳慶藝術圖書館/[大衛.派柏(David Piper)作] .--臺北市:佳慶文化, [民90?] |
第 4 筆 |
激發孩子學習熱忱/朵娜.馬可娃(Dawna Markova), 安.波威爾(Anne Powerll)著 ;周晴燕譯.--初版 .--臺北市:生命潛能文化出版, 2002[民91];[北縣中和市]c吳氏圖書總經銷 |
第 5 筆 |
The return of the king :being the third part of The Lordof the rings /J.R.R. Tolkien.--New York :Ballantine Books,[1973], c1965 |
第 6 筆 |
The fellowship of the ring:being the first part of The lord of the rings/J.R.R. Tolkien.--All rights reserved .--New York:Ballantine Books, c2001 |
第 7 筆 |
The two towers :being the second part of the lord of therings /J.R.R. Tolkien.--1st Ballantine Books ed .--New York :Ballantine Books,1965 |
第 8 筆 |
印象派/Phoebe Pool著 ;羅竹茜譯 .--初版 .--臺北市:遠流, 1995 |
第 9 筆 |
Our earth/Carlie Todoro.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2003 |
第 10 筆 |
Beneath Earth's Surface/Greg Roza.--New York.--The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc..--c2001 |
第 11 筆 |
Exploring the grand canyon/Colleen Adams.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2001 |
第 12 筆 |
Mozart:The man and his music/Linda Pearson-Adams.--New York:The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., c2002 |
第 13 筆 |
記憶的堅持 .達利/Meredith Etherington-Smith著 ;林淑琴譯 .--初版 .--臺北市:臉譜文化出版:城邦文化發行, 2000[民89] |
第 14 筆 |
藝術治療/雄恩•麥克尼夫(Shaun McNiff)著 ;許邏灣譯 .--初版 .--臺北縣三重市:新路, 2000[民89] |
第 15 筆 |
美國女畫家歐姬芙/Jeffrey Hogrefe作 ;毛羽譯 .--初版 .--臺北市:方智, 1997[民86] |